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Yunyao conducts legal training for lawyers

On the afternoon of April 26, 2018, all legal personnel organized by Yunya learned the Notice of the Ministry of Justice of the Supreme People's Court on the Protection of Lawyers' Litigation Rights and the Regulation of Lawyers' Participation in Court Trial Activities (hereinafter referred to as the "Notice") and the National Lawyers Association's Lawyers Business. Two documents, such as the Promotional Behavior Rules (Trial) (hereinafter referred to as the “Promotion Rules”), this training was asked by the Executive Director Zhou Yuan, and all the legal personnel carefully studied and understood the two documents, and actively discussed the current hot events and Communicate with issues related to documents.
 The "Notice" focuses on constructing a benign interactive relationship between judges and lawyers who respect each other, support each other, and supervise each other. It focuses on the regulation of lawyers' rights and practices in the trial stage, so that lawyers can participate in court trials. . The "Notice" also established a classification and treatment mechanism for lawyers' rights protection and violations of laws and regulations, and strengthened the work connection and cooperation between the judicial administrative organs, the people's courts, the lawyers' associations, and the inter-regional areas to ensure the rights and violations of lawyers. Get fast, efficient and fair processing.
The promotion of the "Promotion Rules" is to strengthen the self-discipline management of the industry, maintain the overall image of the lawyer industry, and regulate the business promotion behavior of lawyers and law firms. At this stage, with the gradual increase in the number of lawyers and law firms, the current publicity and promotion activities of lawyers in order to obtain business and publicize themselves are becoming more common and diverse. However, some content and improperly promoted behaviors may cause unfair competition between lawyers and law firms, or lead to misconceptions and choices of the public, or damage the professional image of lawyers. Standardize the behavior of lawyers' business promotion.
Through this training, the sense of professional practice of all legal personnel has been further improved.

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