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Yun Ya Law Firm was founded in 2004 by a group of experienced and active legal experts. As a local law firm, we have extensive experience in advising foreign investors from USA, Europe, Japan and Hong Kong on their investments in Wuxi, Changzhou, Suzhou and Nanjing. Some of our lawyers have work or training experience in the US, Britain, Germany, Canada, Singapore and Hong Kong and are capable of providing legal services in both Chinese and English.

Yun Ya is located in Wuxi City with an office space of 1500 sqm. We are equipped with modern office facilities, archive room and library. Client meeting rooms are separated from office area. In addition to the good facilities, Yun Ya uses law firm management software in opening cases, lawyer designation, conflict check, case journal recording, fee and invoicing management, and case archiving.

Client-Centered Services

We know that the measure of our success, both legally and commercially, is the success of our clients' projects. Our lawyers know their clients well, understand the operations and requirements of their businesses, and give proactive advice that goes beyond just getting the law right. We are committed to client care and our client partners will ensure by keeping in regular contact with clients, that clients are happy with our service.

Specialised Individuals & Team Work
We know that our clients’ needs cover different areas and our lawyers are specialists in a particular area. Therefore, we abandon the traditional individual practice model and are organised through our team work mechanism, which enables our clients to obtain quick, specialised and reliable advice in different areas of law.

Our Culture
We recognise that in the modern world technical skill is 'necessary but not sufficient'. Our people are nice to deal with. They strive to create an easy working environment while conducting serious legal work. We prefer to define “attorney-client” relationship by using the following words: “We work with you” not “We work for you”.

Quality Assurance and Professional Insurance
We maintain an effective professional training system which guarantees our lawyers’ competency in providing legal services. Our quality assurance system also helps avoid professional malpractice. We value our lawyers’ individual ability, but we more value our quality assurance system which brings our lawyers of different backgrounds in line with our practicing standards.
We know that lawyer’s negligence may cause client’s significant losses. Therefore, we have not only maintained an effective quality assurance system to reduce risks, but also have taken out professional insurance which will timely and effectively remedy our client’s losses in case of an occurrence of risks.


Address: 21th Floor, Building A3, No. 777, Jian Zhu Xi Road, Wuxi, Jiangsu Province, CHINA
Tel:+86 510-68799168 Fax:86-510-68799166 Postal Code:214072

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ICP License Number: 11035178