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Lawyer Song Zhengping was invited to give CITIC Insurance a legal risk lecture on cross-border inves

On August 11, 2017, Mr. Song Zhengping, a partner of Jiangsu Yunya Law Firm, was invited by Wuxi Office of China Export Credit Insurance Corporation to hold a lecture on the legal risks of borrowing and guarantee in overseas investment.
With the country's vigorous promotion of the “Belt and Road” construction, overseas investment has also emerged. Lawyer Song Zhengping explained the legal risks of borrowing and guarantees in overseas investment to help enterprises avoid risks. Lawyer Song Zhengping is one of the first batch of national foreign lawyers to lead talent pool personnel, and has rich experience in foreign legal services.
In this lecture, lawyer Song Zhengping raised the issues and risks involved in overseas investment, and raised some issues that need to be paid attention to in overseas investment, as well as some practical skills that business personnel need to master. For example, the policy of expanding inflows and outflows, internal insurance and external loans Reflow, strengthen the authenticity and compliance audit of overseas direct investment, the management of full-bore overseas lending in local and foreign currencies, and the issue of fraud in independent guarantees and foreign guarantees. Afterwards, CITIC Insurance staff and lawyer Song discussed the hot issues.

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