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Zhou Ning

License Number: 13202201811036502
Position: Lawyer

Education background


Business domain

Zhou Ning graduated from Nantong University and Queen Mary University of London with a Bachelor of Medicine and LLM respectively. Degree. He has been practicing in Jiangyin since 2018, and has accumulated relatively rich experience in litigation and non-litigation legal services, especially legal services such as civil and commercial litigation agency and company perennial legal counsel. In recent years, he has served as the legal adviser of many well-known listed enterprises and private enterprises, and is committed to avoiding legal risks of daily operation for consulting units. Proficient in Chinese and English as working language. Areas of expertise: civil and commercial disputes, perennial legal counsel, corporate law and insurance law.

Address: 21th Floor, Building A3, No. 777, Jian Zhu Xi Road, Wuxi, Jiangsu Province, CHINA
Tel:+86 0510-82859168 Fax:+86-0510-82859161 Postal Code:214072

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