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Wan Haozhong

Lawyer's license Number:13202201710492642
Position: Lawyer


Donghua University of Political Science and Law, Bachelor of Laws, International Economic Law (2008-2012), Member of the Communist Party

Main field of practice

Mainly engaged in company law business, mainly research labor law, company law, all kinds of contract disputes, enterprise receivables and other civil and commercial legal issues. He has rich experience in litigation and non-litigation legal services, and is a member of the company law team of Yunya Law Firm. He has worked in the Executive Board of a grassroots court in Wuxi for many years, and has rich experience in the execution of various cases

Work experience

1. Handled various types of labor and civil and commercial litigation cases such as processing contract disputes, labor compensation disputes, competition restriction disputes, property service contract disputes, franchise contract disputes, etc., and was familiar with the execution of cases.
2, provide various non-litigation legal services for various consulting units, mainly including: catering services, mechanical processing, software development and other types of enterprise customer contract review, standard contract templates to provide legal services; Provide legal services to clients in disputes arising from employee injury; Advising clients on losses arising from employees' violation of non-compete restrictions.

Address: 21th Floor, Building A3, No. 777, Jian Zhu Xi Road, Wuxi, Jiangsu Province, CHINA
Tel:+86 0510-82859168 Fax:+86-0510-82859161 Postal Code:214072

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