Foreign investors’ M&As in China have its unique features compared with other jurisdictions. Foreign investment control and foreign exchange control are the main issues which most foreign law firms are not familiar with. Involving experienced Chinese lawyers is the key to a successful M&A transaction. YUNYA lawyers’ English language capacity and Chinese law practice experience makes YUNYA a leading law firm in Wuxi in advising foreign investor’s mergers and acquisitions.
YUNYA’s M&A services include: overall planning of the M&A transaction, participation in negotiations, preparation of the letter of intent, legal due diligence, preparation of share purchase agreement or assets purchase agreement, guarantee or security arrangement, payment arrangement, foreign exchange control compliance. Since foreign investors’ M&As are subject to the government’s approval, YUNYA is heavily involved in M&A approval application process (preparation of application documents and communication with the government). YUNYA also advises foreign investors on the registration with the local Administration of Industry and Commerce (company registration authority) and following SAFE registration (foreign exchange control authority).
We have helped international clients from the US, Britain, France, Sweden, Japan and Hong Kong with their M&A activities in Wuxi, Suzhou, Ningbo, Chongqing, Shanghai, Beijing, Tianjin and Shenzhen.
Address: 21th Floor, Building A3, No. 777, Jian Zhu Xi Road, Wuxi, Jiangsu Province, CHINA
Tel:+86 0510-82859168 Fax:+86-0510-82859161 Postal Code:214072
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ICP License Number: 11035178