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At YUNYA, we make it our business to understand the value of our clients’ intellectual property.
The difference lies at the heart of our approach. We believe that in a world where many things look and feel the same, how you make your mark is what truly defines you. With innovation and marketing the new battlegrounds, safeguarding your creativity and protecting your innovations helps you develop your brand.
We have the experience in leading and coordinating 30 local Chinese law firms to file hundreds patent infringement cases against the various infringers nationwide. We are also strong in intellectual property licensing, IP related due diligence.
YUNYA key intellectual property law practice covers following areas:
Provide general legal advice on company’s intellectual property management system;
Prepare contracts relating to intellectual property development, licensing, transfer, mortgage and investment;
IP infringement investigation and litigation;
Company’s goodwill
Unique packaging and decoration;
Internet related intellectual property
Unfair competition
Customs protection.

Address: 21th Floor, Building A3, No. 777, Jian Zhu Xi Road, Wuxi, Jiangsu Province, CHINA
Tel:+86 0510-82859168 Fax:+86-0510-82859161 Postal Code:214072

Copyright © 2018 Jiang su Yun Ya Law Firm. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
ICP License Number: 11035178